Multilingual typographical bar

Tabs to manage «multi» tags


This plugin is intended to make the writing of «multilingual blocs» of a
website (such as titles, descriptions and texts) easier.

In the case of a multilingual site with a single tree structure, the use of
the tags <multi> is necessary to translate section
titles, site title, section texts, etc. in different languages.
Article translations can then be published, using SPIP’s native
multilingual features

With its intuitive use of a tabbed interface — one tab for each
language —, this plugin makes it easy to add translations in each textual area of your website by eliminating the need for fastidious tag writing.

Even if you disable this plugin, your website will remain
multilingual, as it still uses <multi> tags. The corresponding fields will just display the defautl tag notation instead of the tabs.

This plugin requires the installation of the following plugins as it uses some of their features/code to extend SPIP:

  • the typographical
    bar V2
    which provides the entry points (pipelines) required to avoid the overriding of the SPIP core,
  • the generalized typographical bar which is used to
    extend the typographical bar V2.
Multilinguism bar
Exemple on a Section’s edition page.


License GPLv3

© (2007) Cyrille Kazis - Kazis & Co


Download the plugin’s zip file from Spip-Zone [1] :

The plugin Archive

installation follows as for any plugin.

To work successfully, this plugin also requires the following plugins :
-  cfg plugin
-  generalized typographical bar plugin
-  typographical bar

Warnings :

  • with SPIP v1.9.2 and 1.9.2a, tabs can be displayed vertically. This does
    not hinder the correct operation of the plugin. The problem may be easily
    corrected by modifying the following file
    dist/style_prive.html [2].
  • quotes symbols in titles are temporarily converted to apostrophes by
    the plugin, because the presence of quotes generates problems when
    displaying filling fields.
  • SPIP natively cuts long texts in articles into sub texts. This
    functionality has been disabled. [3]
  • with the future 1.9.3, multilingual configuration of the site data ("your
    site’s name" and «site description» fields) doesn’t work.
  • pages with many fields, such as an article editing page, may
    take a long time to execute (and generate script execution time-outs
    through the browser). The best approach is to disable typographical bars
    on titles and descriptions and not to activate languages tabs on secondary
    fields, such as : subtitle, brief description., etc. The number of languages
    is also an important factor. With more than 3 languages, it is better to
    manage the multilingualism on articles using SPIP’s native translation


To configure the generalized typographical bar plugin : enable all
areas for which you wish to activate multilingualism. For more detail
: see the corresponding article.

To configure the multilingual extension plugin : you must use the plugins
administration page. Follow the link «Access to the configuration panel
with cfg».

Panneau de présentation du plugin

From the configuration panel, you can then :

  • select language tabs for display (separate each international code
    by comas). You will find a list of codes in the private area :
    «configuration»->«language management»->«multilingual»
  • choose not to display typographical short-cuts for the titles (as has
    been done on the example above). This option is useful if you don’t need
    typographical short-cuts in titles but have the typographical bar enabled
    for the titles in order to activate the multilingual extension.
  • enable or disable multilingualism on articles and on news items. You
    can, for example, disable multilingualism on an article if you want to use
    SPIP’s native solution for articles translation, allowing you to have a
    different number of articles, depending on the language chosen.
Configuration du plugin

Plugin coded by Arnault PACHOT.
Contribution translated from French to English by Catherine

Correction work by Etienne B. aka Loiseau2nuit, Mortimer and Brian WALKER (on mailing list ’spip-en’) .


you encounter problems with this link, try the mirror sites

[2replace in dist/style_prive.html, line 1101 :
.tout-site ul,li {clear:both;}
by : .tout-site ul, .tout-site li {clear:both;}
and then change the colour of your interface, in order to force a style

[3This functionality usually applies if
the size of the text is greater than 32kb and aims to avoid a bug with
the text area in some older versions of IE (version 4).


Une discussion

  • # v1.9.2 and 1.9.2a, tabs can be displayed vertically. This does not hinder the correct operation of the plugin. The problem may be easily corrected by modifying the following file dist/style_prive.html [2].
    # quotes symbols in titles are temporarily converted to apostrophes by the plugin, because the presence of quotes generates problems when displaying filling fields.
    # SPIP natively cuts long texts in articles into sub texts

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  • Désactiver tous les plugins que vous ne voulez pas tester afin de vous assurer que le bug vient bien du plugin X. Cela vous évitera d’écrire sur le forum d’une contribution qui n’est finalement pas en cause.
  • Cherchez et notez les numéros de version de tout ce qui est en place au moment du test :
    • version de SPIP, en bas de la partie privée
    • version du plugin testé et des éventuels plugins nécessités
    • version de PHP (exec=info en partie privée)
    • version de MySQL / SQLite
  • Si votre problème concerne la partie publique de votre site, donnez une URL où le bug est visible, pour que les gens puissent voir par eux-mêmes.
  • En cas de page blanche, merci d’activer l’affichage des erreurs, et d’indiquer ensuite l’erreur qui apparaît.

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Questo campo accetta scorciatoie SPIP {{gras}} {italique} -*liste [texte->url] <quote> <code> ed il codice HTML <q> <del> <ins>. Per creare paragrafi lasciare semplicemente delle righe vuote.

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